What do you mean by ‘insurance coverage’?

What do you mean by ‘insurance coverage’?

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The term ‘insurance coverage’ means, when an individual takes an insurance policy the insured will be covered by the insurance company for a specific amount for themselves or the things that he had taken the insurance policy, for which he would be paying premiums to the insurance company. 
The insurance company will pay the insured in case of damage or claims made by the insured according to their ‘insurance coverage’.

Definition by Investopedia.com

Insurance coverage is the amount of risk or liability that is covered for an individual or entity by way of insurance services. Insurance coverage, such as auto insurance, life insurance—or more exotic forms, such as hole-in-one insurance—is issued by an insurer in the event of unforeseen occurrences.

Understanding Insurance Coverage

Insurance coverage helps consumers recover financially from unexpected events, such as car accidents or the loss of an income-producing adult supporting a family. Insurance coverage is often determined by multiple factors.

For example, most insurers charge higher premiums for young male drivers, as insurers deem the probability of young men being involved in an accident to be higher than, say, a middle-aged married man with years of driving experience.

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